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  • November 17th, 2010

    Facts About Marijuna Home Drug Test

    Read the facts about marijuna home drug test.

    Drug testing is a must to pass or else you loose a job opportunity. Drug testing protocol scares even the most innocent person as none would like to keep their job at stake. Drug use has increased considerably in the recent years. It is high time now and the use needs to be brought under control. That is the reason why many companies and schools are adopting drug test policies. Marijuana is the most commonly abused drug in many countries around the globe. Marijuana drug test kits can help one prepare for the forthcoming drug testing at then workplace. Go through the facts about marijuana home drug test.

    Marijuana also known as weed is the most commonly tested for drug. Though it is a least harmful drug it can surely be the reason for your failure in a drug test as this drug stays in the system for a longer time. Many a times people post their queries on discussion boards and the most often asked question is: “how long does it take to pass a drug test?” this largely depends upon the drug that you are going to be tested for and the technique adopted for screening.

    The part of marijuana that can get you high is THC. Marijuana can keep one high for a few hours and it is not necessary that the person who fails a drug test is high on drugs. THC is not water soluble which means that every time you use this drug it is going to stay in your fat cells. It is thus necessary to increase the body metabolism rate so as to release these metabolites out through the urinary system. Various detox solutions can help you do so.

    Marijuana home drug test kits can help you detect the presence of THC at the convenience of your house. Parents can benefit as this helps them to test their wards at home before the authorities step in. before using the drug test kit at home you must make sure that you are clean. These drug testing kits are handy and easy to use. You just need to follow the user manual. Results are available in no time and are accurate as the cut offs are set according to the standard of NIDA.

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