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  • October 7th, 2010

    First Test Home Drug Test

    first test home drug test

    There are certain home products which could make you test positive. You need to keep an eye out for each of these products, and then get your acts straight accordingly. You need not undergo a drug test often, but it might so happen that you have been asked to appear for a drug test by your employer, in which case, you have to oblige. Marijuana is the most commonly abused drug, as established by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). ANother drug which is commonly used is cocaine. Another drug would be codiene and opiates. Ecstasy and amphetamine are the other two kinds of commonly abused drugs. amphetamine is generally used to increase wakefulness, and also to fight tiredness and fatigue.

    There are many kinds of test kits which are readily available in the market today for doing a drug test on your own at home. If you know for yourself that you have abused any of the above mentioned drugs, and that you need to appear for a drug test for some professional reason. Appearing for a drug test, if you are already abusing drugs, can invite trouble for you, at the cost of your job too. It all depends on the extent to which you have been abusing drugs, what kind of results did your test show, and how are your employers, or whoever else asked you to get yourself checked reacts to it. However, you can try at making your reports look as neat as possible by adopting a few means, which might give you a clean chit. In order to be clear of the test, you need to be exercising regularly, so that you are able to burn as much of your body fat as possible. If you are going in for a urine test, try flushing your system form toxins by drinking sufficient amount of water, not urinating for the first time of the day in the lab, and not urinating directly into the cup for the sample. If your hair needs to be tested, then what you can do is, get your head shaved about three months from the scheduled date of test, and then wait for it to grow back in three motnhs time, by which your test date would have arrived. After your hair has grown back in three months, then you can go for the test. Make sure that you do not apply too much of artificial shampoo or conditioners, as your hair sampel would anyways be washed thoroughly before doing a test.

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