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  • February 16th, 2011

    Follicle Drug Tests

    Hair follicle drug tests

    How to pass job drug test? For those who are going to join a job of their dreams, this is a common worry. Types of drug tests are many and one of them is follicle drug tests. Follicle drug test is nothing but a hair drug test, which is done to detect traces of toxic substances in hair follicles. As compared to blood and urine tests, this is one of the most popular tests which are also comparatively cheap indeed. Besides having such a test conducted at drug testing laboratories, the hair drug test can also be done at home by making the best use of home drug testing kits to clear a drug test. Parents find home drug testing kits most beneficial as they can be conducted in the comfort of their home in an effort to pass a drug test. At the same time privacy is also maintained which is the desire of most people.

    If you abstain from the drug, for a good amount of time then the amount of toxin in the hair can be greatly reduced. If a substance has been used for very long durations then follicle drug tests prove to be the best kind of a drug test. How to pass job drug test? You never know what kind of sample will be asked for at the time of job drug test. Hair, saliva, sweat, urine are some of the most commonly asked samples. Single hair is not enough in such as test and hence a few strands of hair are taken for testing.

    In case sufficient hair is not available as in the case of bald people then hair sample is taken from another part of the body like the arms, underarms, legs, etc. to pass a drug test. Sometimes you can come clear in a drug test in the first round itself, but if at all there is a second round, then you may not be as lucky. At times you could get caught in the first test itself if you have not taken necessary precaution while providing the sample. The second test is always tricky as many times supervision is involved while taking the sample and hence the chances of getting caught are higher. Since the hair drug test, is one of the most tested kinds, it is very popular at drug testing laboratories.

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