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  • October 7th, 2010

    Hair Analysis Drug Test

    Understanding and clearing the hair analysis drug test

    Today drug test protocol is not something you can sideline in the professional scheme of things within the corporate world. There are many tests involved and in stages too. Hair is one of the best samples for drug testing. It gives you accurate results but it is also expensive. Therefore it is not he most preferred system of drug testing. In order to pass drug test you should have an understanding and clearing the hair analysis drug test. When you take drugs the drug after processing in your system it enters your blood stream and then gets rooted in the hair follicle. The effect is so strong that even after you use cleansers and shampoos the drug deposits remain in the root of the hair and is tested positive even after 90 days. So you should have a thorough knowledge about hair drug testing in order to pass drug test.

    Urine sampling

    If you know that you have to do a urine drug test which is by far the most common then understand the basics first. Either you give the sample in the private or you do the test under an observer. If you are lucky and get the opportunity to give the sample in private then synthetic drug test urine samples to the rescue is here. Synthetic urine is available as a substitute to real urine but it looks like the real one. This can be hidden in your undergarments and when you get the opportunity you could replace the sample. Here you must know that you should practice this replacement a few days before the actual drug test because only synthetic drug test urine samples to the rescue of the drug abuser. Urine tests are by far the most common test because they are cheaper than other tests. You are lucky if you have to clear the urine test to pass drug test because here you have the choice to either substitute the sample or dilute the sample. However if you dilute the sample then you could get caught because then the color of the urine becomes colorless and the authorities could catch you for this and make you redo the test. So you have to be thorough professional to outsmart the authorities and pass the drug test.

    How to pass
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