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  • February 16th, 2011

    Hair And Urine Drug Testing

    Know more about hair and urine drug testing.

    Drug testing is mandatory now. It is mostly conducted at workplace and school hostels. Most checked drugs include marijuana, amphetamine, benzodiazepine, cocaine, PCP etc. Urine drug test is most widely accepted drug test across the world. It is cost effective and gives maximum accuracy. It have moderate detection span. Kidney does not excrete all metabolites immediately. It accumulates drug remnants and excretes them gradually through urine. This is why urine test can detect presence for longer period of time. Same is not a case with hair drug test. The hair test can detect drug consumptions for longer period as it considers direct hair cuticles for testing. It has detection history of 90 days. If you look for result you got from hair and urine drug testing, result obtain from hair drug testing is more accurate and reliable.

    However, it is also more expensive and more time consuming than the others. The urine test is more accurate than the swab and almost as accurate as the blood test. Also, urine test does give results as quickly as the hair drug test takes comparatively higher time. One more issue attach with urine drug testing is one can easily perform adulteration with sample. There are many ways and lots of info available on internet for respective issue. However, same is not possible with hair drug testing. First, hair drug testing looks for every single hair metabolites and that though with chemical mixing. So, it is most trusted form of a drug testing and often conducts in courts and insurance companies.

    Only way to beat hair drug testing is use of detox shampoos. Shampoos open the outermost concentric layer of the hair and form a masking layer over the inner layer that contains drug residues. Lot of things is depending on drug testing methodology as well. Now with 12 panel drug test kits availability you can check almost all drug metabolites with single sample. You can easily get them from online stores. They come cheap and you can invest that much money for your well being. You can also make use of it for tracing down drug metabolic count at home.

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