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  • January 20th, 2011

    Hair Drug Test Accuracy

    Why hair drug test accuracy is highest in all drug testing forms.

    According to the Act for drug free workplace, passed in the year 1988, safe work place is first right of an employee. It was first bold step taken against direction of discouraging drug use. Drug testing is getting mandatory after this act. Still due to lack of knowledge, most of the drug tests fail to give proper result. Main reason behind this is federal laboratories are not as per set standard. Another fact is that, many of the chemicals classed as drugs are ingredients of many over the counter medicines. This increases the chances of positive testing for those who always prefer to away from drugs or have done so accidentally abuse.

    Hair drug testing process involves dissolving hair samples in certain chemicals. For same, hairs are taken from any body part. Though hair samples extracted from crown line are most prefer one. Residues of drug toxins store inside the hair core and with proper laboratory solvents you can detect it. Here lies the hair drug test accuracy. Unlike urine or saliva testing you can not make tampering in sample. This make beating hair drug testing highly difficult. For testing a hair length of 2.5 to 4 cm from the scalp is enough. You can go back 3 months back with this test.

    You can beat hair drug test, with the help complete detox kit. It includes detox shampoo, hair spray and conditioner. As per your need select any one of these products. Detox shampoo open the hair cuticles and removes drug metabolites from it. Apply 2-3 days before the test so that it gives effected result.

    One biggest threat in drug testing is getting false positive result. There are so many chemicals which shows quite high resemblance with that of drug metabolites. Benzonatate is one such drug. It is use in against cough and cold treatment. Actually benzonatate numbs lung senses. It is very effective drug and works within 15 minutes. It is non narcotic drug. Still many time higher dose of benzonatate is use for getting desired high. So it triggers the need of benzonatate drug test. It is not possible to detect benzonatate presence with standard drug testing forms. If drug testing authority ask for specific test, then with urine testing you can detect benzonatate metabolites.

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