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  • January 20th, 2011

    Hair Drug Test Shampoo

    Read about hair drug test shampoo.

    A drug test is performed to ascertain the presence or absence of a particular drug of abuse in the system of the subject. There are various technical examinations done by testing an individual’s urine, blood, saliva or hair. A drug test is not only effective at detecting the presence of illicit drugs but it can also screen the presence of over-the-counter medications and prescription drugs. Blood drug test for marijuana are the least preferred one owing to the fact that they are the most expensive ones. A hair follicle drug test is considered to be the most precise in detecting the drugs that have been used in the last 3 months. They are considered to be the most accurate methods of testing.

    The basic mechanism is that as the hair grows the drugs ingested gets encased in the hair shafts. The longer the hair, the longer the history of drug use will be revealed. The human hair grows at the rate of 0.5 inch per month. Generally a hair testing lab requires 3 cm of hair to detect the drugs. Many abusers try to elude a drug test by shaving off their head but any body part hair can be utilized in the absence of sufficient amount of hair on the head. However if the abusers try to outsmart the labs by shaving off all then bodily hair, the labs can still perform the test using the hair follicle rather than using the hair sample.

    The drug metabolites get deposited in the hair follicles and get trapped over there permanently. During a hair drug test the hair sample is clipped near the scalp by the examiner. After obtaining the sample, the specimen is dissolved in organic solvents so as to remove the toxins. The drug detox shampoos either coats the hair with an organic film or removes the drug metabolites completely from the hair. These shampoos remain completely undetectable by the laboratories. All you need to do is wash you hair with these shampoos and you get through the test!

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