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  • December 24th, 2010

    Hair Drug Test Toxin Wash Analysis

    Read about hair drug test toxin wash analysis.

    Drug tests are considered to be the effective methods of determining the use of drugs by an individual as well as the history of drug use. There are certain flaws in the techniques and drug testing laboratories that can lead to a number of false positives. Drug test and false positive scares the most innocent individual too as the job could be at stake. Thus people have started thinking about ideas to beat a drug test. The online drug stores have enabled the subjects to heave a sigh of relief with the aid of many effective detox products

    Every time an individual does drugs, he/she introduces a toxin to the system which is then carried away by the blood to the veins depositing the toxins everywhere. As the toxin level increases they are introduced in the hair shafts and trapped there permanently until one cuts the hair. There are various hair follicle treatments that penetrate to the cortex of the hair shaft and flushes out the trapped drug residues that can be detected inn a hair follicle drug test. This process occurs within 2 hours. The manufacturers guarantee that one will pass their hair drug test with the aid of the toxin wash. After the usage one will feel a tingling sensation of the scalp and might experience temporary dryness of the hair. The adulterants cannot be detected in the screening, thus there is no fear of getting caught.

    The toxin wash is effective in removing months or years worth of drug residue history from the root to the end of the shaft. A toxin wash treatment is believed to give the best results of all the methods and products that were tested by a lab to pass drug test. Toxin wash is made from a salt of weak base and strong acid. The salt is not affected by any other ingredient of the product and is always kept at a full strength. Many experts believe that the toxin wash is the strongest yet safest hair treatment that can help one get through the test


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