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  • February 16th, 2011

    Hair Drug Testing Pass Test

    Read about hair drug testing pass test.

    Drug screening tests are now an everyday reality for the employers, law enforcement officials and high school administrators. There are several methods to detect the presence of drugs and drug metabolites in the system counting urinalysis, blood tests, saliva tests and hair follicle testing. Hair follicle drug tests are gaining popularity these days because of the accuracy of the test and the drug use history they provide. A hair follicle test can uncover the use of prescription drugs, illegal drugs and nicotine within the specified detection window. When the toxins are consumed, they are deposited into the hair follicles through the bloodstream, where they are trapped in the core of the shafts. The drug and alcohol detoxification trends have reached peek values with many abusers trying to pass a drug test and due to the availability of detox products.

    During the testing process, the sample of hair is taken and cut into small pieces and then soaked in a solvent. The chemical suspends the drug metabolites and the solution is then separated using a centrifuge. Depending upon the length of the sample, the history of drug use can be detected. Naturally, the best way to pass a drug test is to abstain completely from illicit drugs. Unlike the urine tests whose results can be altered by stopping the use for a couple days prior to the test, a hair follicle test will show a positive result for any drug that you might have used over several months. Shaving off your head will not work either, as hair sample can be obtained from anywhere on your body. Drug testing facilities that fail to acquire a specimen will equate that with an admission of use.

    The masking agent for hair drug testing pass test is generally a detox shampoo. Most of the shampoos available in the market are designed to penetrate into the cortex and dissolve the particles that contain the toxin you are probably trying to hide. Most of the shampoos promise to work within few minutes and make the hair toxin free for several hours.

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