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  • February 16th, 2011

    Hair Drug Tests

    Know how to remove drug toxins from hair follicles.

    Drug testing is checking of drug metabolites through biological specimens. Drug metabolites are byproducts of drugs. They remain in the body organs even though their effects on central nervous system get fed down. Hair drug test is highly accurate drug testing form among all others. Hair drug testing has ability to screen hair sample for drug history. A hair follicle drug test can detect the use of drugs several months as well as years ago. This form of drug testing is expensive one and hence not preferred one. Hair drug testing is mostly using where higher accuracy is essential. Due to its higher cost, it is a choice for confirmatory testing.

    Few people think that getting bald save them from hair drug tests. However, it is not true. It won’t help as absence of required amount of hair from scalp gets switch by other body part’s hair. For pre employment drug testing the inability to provide a hair sample may be ends up in loosing dream opportunity. Nail and hair cells are faster growing cells. Hence as hair grows out drug metabolites gets escape from hair shaft. Longer is hair length, more accurate is the result. Most of the drug testing labs asks for 3 cm length hair closely cut from the scalp. Detection period of hair drug testing depends on length of hair.

    Process of hair follicle drug testing should be conducted in drug testing laboratories only. Hair follicle drug test is effective in detecting the use of opiates, PCP, amphetamines and cocaine. The mandatory check by the federal government is the hair follicle test as it can be completely relied upon. Whatever person eats and drinks, it directly shows on his/her hairs. This is the reason why hair drug testing is considered as most appropriate drug testing form. There are number of drug detox products prove effective to lower down metabolites concentration from hair. Commercially available detox shampoos will be best solution for the same. They go completely inside the hair cuticles and thrash down drug metabolites from there. Another important aspect for cleaning drug test is staying clean.

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