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  • February 16th, 2011

    Hair Follicle Drug Test Cocaine

    Read about hair follicle drug test cocaine.

    When we think about drugs, the first thing that comes to our mind is a white powdery substance that people snuff. The picture of the drug that comes to our mind is cocaine. Cocaine is one of the most widely used drugs in several countries including United States. It is considered to be one of the most powerfully addictive drugs. With the increase in the use of cocaine, several drug testing methods now screen for cocaine. Drug tests are now a part of employment hiring process. The employees need to pass drug test as it is now made obligatory in many organizations. A drug test can come up in several forms. One of them is hair follicle drug test.

    What is a hair follicle drug test? Well, it is a drug test that screens the presence or absence of drug metabolites by analyzing the hair specimens of the subject. Hair drug tests are the most accurate methods to determine the long term of prescription drugs, recreational drugs and even narcotics. It is difficult for a person to pass hair follicle drug test cocaine. The hair drug test provides the longest detection period. It can detect even those drugs that have been used 90 days back. As an individual uses drugs, the metabolites get encased in the hair shafts. The drug metabolites stay over there as they hair grows out and remains detectable unless the person cuts them. Cocaine gets easily stuck in the hair shafts. Moreover, the drug is highly hazardous for health, and can cause addiction.

    Hair follicle drug test cocaine is highly efficient and advanced. Failing to pass the drug test can be the reason for a number of dreadful consequences. Hair follicle drug tests can be costly enough as compared to other drug testing methods. Several detox solutions make bold promises to help cleanse the hair prior to the test. Use them only as a last resort in case of random drug testing. The only sure way of passing a drug test is not to them and make sure that you adopt a healthy lifestyle!

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