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  • November 9th, 2010

    Hair Follicle Drug Test Shampoo

    Hair Follicle Drug Test Shampoo.

    Drug Tests are named after that body fluid or body extension that is used as the sample for checking for traces of drugs. The hair drug test uses hair strand on any part of the body as the sample. As a person consumes drugs, residues of these drugs accumulate at the base of the hair. The human hair is composed of three concentric layers. The middle layer, the cuticle, is the one in which traces of drugs accumulate. Because of such a remote location of the drug residue, it is very difficult to tamper with. To get through this drug test you either need to steadfastly abstain from drugs or use a hair follicle drug test shampoo.

    This test can detect drug consumption patterns for longer periods before the test. An example will illustrate the point. The urine drug test can detect marijuana use for a maximum period of 90 days. The hair test can do so for a maximum period of 3 years. In this test the outermost layer of the hair is dissolved. The second concentric layer i.e. the cuticle is then examined for drug residues. The procedure makes the test almost fool proof. The same thing also makes it very expensive. It is therefore typically employed by the armed forces for screening recruits. In here cost is the second consideration – fitness is of paramount importance.

    Despite its accuracy making it a preferred test for drug screening mt the test can be beaten. To do this you need to use a hair follicle drug test shampoo. These shampoos should be purchased after professional medical consultation only. The manner of working of these shampoos is a bit sophisticated. They open up the outermost layer of the hair and cover the cuticle with a sealant. This sealant is not soluble in lab solvents. So when your hair is examined for drug residues, none will be detected, as they will be under the sealant. And the sealant is strong. So even if a repeat test is ordered, the result will be the same. Shampoos come with a conditioner as well. These conditioners restore the hair to their texture thereby removing traces of use of the shampoo.

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