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  • November 9th, 2010

    Hair Follicle Drug Tests

    Hair drug tests

    Hair testing is fast and more accurate than other drug test forms and is increasing in popularity; especially in the United States. Such tests can be carried out by parents and employers alike. However the downside of these tests is that they are expensive compared to other types of testing such as urine and saliva or oral fluid tests. Since the use of drug can be detected even if it is taken within 90 days of the screening, it makes a fool proof method of testing employees, criminals, and teenagers for drug testing.

    There are many ways to pass a drug test and some can pass a drug test in 4 days if they are not habitual addicts or have taken very less potent drug. The quantity also matters along with the speed of the metabolism of a person when it comes to drug testing. However hair drug tests cannot be passed if you have taken a drug in the last 4 or five days and it is advisable to stop doing drugs at least a hundred days before the screening is due.

    Drug testing has become very common in many countries and is mandatory for many athletes and sportspersons around the world. There are many types of drugs and many types of laws and tests that govern these illicit substances. However, employees can also be tested randomly for alcohol or drug abuse to see if they are doing drugs or drinking while working. However these are uncommon and are observed in very safety-sensitive areas.

    Employee drug testing plans frequently include hair follicle drug testing because of the absolute accurateness of these investigations. Although hair testing is more expensive that a urine drug test kit, for instance, they can give a level of correctness that is almost ten times that of other testing techniques. Similarly, hair follicle drug testing does not involve the awkward gathering of samples like that of urine or saliva drug tests. In most cases, a few strands of hair are all that is desired to find precise results.

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