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  • November 9th, 2010

    Hair Follicle Shampoo Drug Test

    Read about Hair follicle shampoo drug test

    Hair follicles are not just to be kept healthy for shiny and strong hair but also clean to pass a drug test. Drug tests have been made so advanced that they can even trace the drugs which are hidden in your hair follicle. Hair drug test is the most efficient drug test but costs a lot. Many such advantages of Hair follicle shampoo drug test and disadvantages are mentioned in this article. You will also find how a hair drug test is done and how to pass a hair drug test.

    When a person consumes drug the residue of the drug gets deposited in the shaft of the hair that is the root of the hair. You may not observe it or feel it but drug particles get trapped in your hair. It is not easy to remove the drug from your hair root until the portion of the hair containing drug particles is cut from there or the hair grows out along with the drug and gets washed off. This is not easy to do because it takes one month for the hair to grown up to two to three inches. This number can vary from person to person.

    Today hair drug test has gained a lot of important and so many detox kits have been made to pass drug test. These detoxify ready clean drug test contain detox shampoos which wash off the drugs from your hair right from the shaft. You also get detox gels and hair sprays that hide the drug from getting detected in drug test. It is always better to wash away the drug rather then getting it hidden under your hair.

    Hair drug tests give accurate results and can detect drugs that have been consumed three months earlier. This test may be accurate but it is also too expensive for schools and companies to afford. It is expensive because of its set up cost and also it takes a lot of time for drug results to come through hair drug test. So, next time when you go for a Hair follicle shampoo drug test then do try the hair drug test and to pass it do try detoxify ready clean drug test kits.

    How to pass