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  • February 16th, 2011

    Hair Sample Drug Screen

    Read about hair sample drug screen.

    A drug testing protocol can be quite embarrassing for you especially if you have been called in for the first time. It might be a bit hesitant to undergo a drug testing procedure for the first time. The test can be more humiliating is asked for a piss sample. Urinalysis is the most common method employed for detecting the drugs. Thus most of the websites concentrate on passing a piss test and suggests the use of synthetic urine. Those who have never been on drugs need not fear a drug testing protocol. Hair follicle drug tests are other popular methods of screening illicit drugs. Toxins of the drugs that have been used gets collected at the root of the hair. It is very unlikely to find the drug traces in the hair specimen of a person who has not been on drug abuse.

    The hair follicle drug tests are the most accurate methods ands are not that easy to beat. The drug metabolites get accumulated in the inner layers of hair. The labs extract the hair sample from any part of the subject’s body. The drug residues get deposited in the middle layer called cortex and this tested for the presence of drugs. This makes it very difficult o beat a hair drug test. They are usually done by the armed forces. Fitness is the main concern of the armed forces and they have zero tolerance for drugs. Any practice that interferes with the fitness is attempted to be curbed.

    The detox shampoos available in a number of online drug stores claims to remove all the drug metabolites from the hair shafts. Make it a point to purchase these detox shampoos and possibly use them under professional guidance. The shampoos open up the cuticle and form a covering over the cortex of the hair. This film is insoluble and therefore cannot be detected in a hair test. Wash your hair thoroughly with the aid of these shampoos on the day of your deadline and the rest will be done by the special ingredients of the shampoo!

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