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  • February 16th, 2011

    Hair Sample Drug Tests

    Know process of hair drug testing.

    Understanding hair drug testing process is very important in order to beat it. Let’s take example of marijuana drug as it is most popular form of the drug testing. When marijuana metabolites enter blood stream ends up their journey in fat cells. It includes hair cells, nail cuticles etc. Metabolites those reside inside the hair gets filter out thorough hair. This is how hair sample drug test invented. Wheat ever we eat, drink get directly reflected on hair. Marijuana remnants remain in the body for more than 3 months long period. It takes huge period to get remove through natural cycle. Hence use of detox products is more than necessary for atherosclerosis clinical drug tests.

    Hair drug testing process involves cutting 50-60 hair samples closely from scalp. It should be cut down from crown length hair. 1 inch long equal hair strands can disclose 3 months long drug history. Hair drug testing has ability to get back several months back and showing toxic presence. Another main reason behind popularity of hair drug testing is masking drug metabolites trap inside the hair is not virtually not possible. And hiding drug metabolites from hair samples is very difficult. Simple washing fail to remove drug metabolites from the hair.

    Know exactly how hair sample collection process is conducted. Hair drug testing required swatch if hair having length of 1/8 inch in diameter. It should be closely cut from the crown level. If donor does not have adequate head hair then any other body part’s hair can serve the purpose. Find the appropriate place for collection and then bundle it down. Make sure that you are having minimum ј inch diameter long hair for testing. Lowering down the toxic concentration from hair is simpler for the black or blond hair people. They have lower melanin concentration. However, beating hair drug test is harder for dark hair people. Melanin is main chemical which gives color to hair. It opposes the keratin when conducted THC testing. Hence If person is chronic user of marijuana, it gets impossible for him to reduce metabolites concentration.

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