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  • December 24th, 2010

    Hair Screen Drug Test

    Read about hair screen drug test.

    Drug tests are the best methods to determine the use of illegal drugs. Drug tests are quite popular in schools, colleges and various workplaces. Different samples are obtained so as to screen the presence of drugs and drug metabolites. Some of the most commonly taken samples include hair, urine, saliva and blood. Teens often experiment with the drugs just for the sake of fun regardless of what negative impacts it can have on their health. Drug addiction can have the worst repercussions. When one has to face a drug test, all they need to know are the ways to pass a drug test. A number of companies have come up with effective products like azo cranberry and drug test kits that have benefited the abusers.

    Drug tests can come up in several forms, the hair follicle drug test being the most accurate one. As soon as one snorts or smokes, large amount of toxins enter the system. When the toxin level is high, the drug metabolites get encased in the hair shaft. This is the basic principle on which a hair drug test works. The longer the hair, the longer is an individual’s history of drug use detected. On an average, the human hair grows at the rate of 0.5 inch per month. 50 strands measuring 2.5 to 4 cm of hair are sufficient enough to detect the use of drugs 3 months ago. Thus the hair follicle drug tests are considered to be the most accurate ones. Many courts and insurance companies now prefer these reliable tests.

    The sample when collected is cut into pieces and soaked in a chemical. As a result the drug metabolites go into suspension. The solution is separated using a centrifuge and the sample is then screened for drugs. When a hair follicle drug test is conducted on a random basis, it is impossible to fool the authorities as it is very difficult to flush the toxins that once enter the hair shafts. A scheduled drug test can be switched with the aid of various detox shampoos and conditioners.

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