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  • February 16th, 2011

    Heroin And Drug Screening

    Read about heroin and drug screening.

    Heroin is one of the most popular drugs among the high school teens and college going students. According to the recent survey on drug abuse, about 1.3% of the 8th grade students have abused heroin in their past lifetime. The percentage of heroin use was much higher in the 10th and 12th grads. The alarming increase in the number of heroin use is sufficient to describe the need for conducting heroin drug screening at schools, colleges and workplaces. A drug test five drug test panel is generally used at workplaces that screens for the 5 most commonly abused drugs counting opiates. Heroin and drug screening has become the growing concern of the abusers. The presence of heroin in the system can be monitored by employing different types of drug test as per the convenience of the test administrators.

    Urine drug tests are the most common method used for screening the presence of drugs. The test is less expensive as compared to other testing methods. The cutoff level for heroin as set by the SAMHSA is 300ng/ml. the drug remains detectable in the urine for 2-4 days. Hair drug testing is one of the accurate methods that can determine even the long term use of heroin. The cut off for heroin in the hair drug test 0.1ng/ml. hair follicle drug tests are usually used as follow up tests to confirm a positive result registered by the urine drug test. Another method that is gaining popularity these days is the saliva drug test. The test is easy to administer and can detect the recent use of heroin. The cutoff level for oral swab test is 40ng/ml. blood drug tests are the most accurate methods but they are not preferred because of their high costs.

    With the increase in the use of heroin, he concern on the health of the abusers and the negative impacts on the society are growing. It is the responsibility of the parents to observe the habits of their wards in order to reduce the use of drugs. The only way to pass drug test for heroin is to stop the use of the drug completely!

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