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  • December 19th, 2010

    Home Recieps To Pass Drug Test

    Read about home recieps to pass drug test

    Drug testing is the best way to determine whether a person is under the influence of any kind of illicit drug or not. Drug testing has become mandatory in many workplaces, schools and medical institutions. Passing and drug tests are the basic necessity if one would not like to miss a job opportunity. Are you also in a situation wherein your job is at stake and you are been called up for a drug test? Are you a doper and need to know some home recipes to pass a drug test? Scroll through this and learn some methods to cleanse your system!

    All you need to know at the very beginning is the duration of time each drug is going to stay in your system before going for a test. There are various charts and data tables online that will guide you by providing the necessary information. The basic fact is that no drug stays in the system for more than 3 days, marijuana being an exception. So if you are a smoker then you really need to work hard. It is easy to pass a drug test because of the availability of various detox solutions in the market. But if you are looking for some home recipes then here are some:

    A. One can drink lots of fluids regularly for a week prior to the test. it will help flush out the toxins from the system faster.
    B. THC is stored in the fatty tissues so one needs to sweat a lot incase if he wants a negative result. Lift weight as exercising speeds up the metabolism.
    C. One can also have white vinegar mixed with of water.
    D. Red meat will increase your creatinine levels so your urine won’t look diluted.
    E. Always carry the prescriptions if you are taking any prescription drugs like pain killers.

    The best thing to pass a test could be not taking the drugs you will be tested for. As no toxins will enter the system, no metabolites will be detected in the samples you provide and you pass the drug test without any worries.

    How to pass