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  • December 19th, 2010

    How To Drug Test Hair

    Read more about how to drug test hair gives you most accurate result.

    Drug testing is nothing but the complete analytical screening of hair samples in order to check drug presence inside the body. With this method you can check drug presence as long as 90 days. That means if you doubt about any person’s drug history, hair drug testing serves best purpose. Reason behind the growing popularity of hair drug testing is its simplicity, less embarrassment while collecting the sample with less chances of sample temperament. Many people keep on thinking that how to drug test hair? Well it is merely simple and just need few hair strands. Hair screening is fast and gives more accurate result if you compare it with other drug testing forms. With hair drug testing you can check out presence of drugs like Methamphetamine & Ecstasy, Cocaine, Marijuana, Opiates and Phencyclidine etc. Above mention drug classes are mandatory by Federal Government and every drug testing laboratory need to follow it.

    Very first, try to understand how drug testing is carried out. No drug testing form able to detect exact drug percentage amount in your body. All are meant to measure over all drug metabolic percentage. Drug metabolites are accumulates inside the fat cells and other fast growing cells like hair. As your hair grows, detection of certain drug can be in identification phase for couple of months. As a reason, you can say that hair analysis might not be much useful to check recent drug abuse. Urine or saliva drug test are more useful under such circumstances. Most of the time creatine value is taken into consideration t detect drug presence. Higher the value of creatine, more is chance of getting clean result. creatine levels on a drug test directly indicates whether person is free form drug or not. Lower amount of creatine shows either dilution attempt as well. If you are trying to manipulate the drug sample, make sure that you take some medicines which will cover up lower creatine value.

    If you are heavy drug user, then there are little high chances of getting caught. You can use detox shampoos which will readily dissolves drug traces from the body. However, this method is slightly complicated and have some disadvantages like itchy scalp, dry hair etc.

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