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  • November 9th, 2010

    How To Pass A Urine Drug Test Cocaine

    How to pass a urine drug test cocaine

    Urine drug tests are the first and the most widely used form of drug examination in the world. It is cheap and easy to conduct. There are many ways in the urine test by which the traces of various kinds of drugs and similar substances are detected. Almost all the major drugs and narcotics are detectable in this procedure. Because of the wide use of this procedure it does not come as a surprise that many people have tried to find ways to beat this test. Even the seasoned professionals have tried a hand at it and the internet is full of information on this particular subject.

    Cocaine as a drug is one of the substances which have large number of addicts worldwide. The addiction and abuse of this drug is also very acute making it very hard to let go of, so many people opt for the easy methods to beat the test. Some of the most prominent methods that are used in the urine test segment are abstaining, flushing, diluting, masking and substituting etc. each one of these methods tries to camouflage the traces of the substance in some form or the other.

    The choice of the method depends upon the concentration of the drug in the blood and the duration for which it can be detected in the system. The longer the period and more concentrated the substance the more harsher and evasive the method of deception. Some of these like the flushing and diluting can come good with the drugs and substances that are lighter and do not stay in the body for long. But others like marijuana how long dose it stay in your system can be traced for even 2-3 days or more and thus to cover them up other materials are required like the method of substituting and masking.

    The case of cocaine on the other hand varies from person to person and case to case. How long does it stay in the system depends on the age, sex, physical condition, weight, the difference between an occasional and a habitual user and the quantity of the drug consumed. Therefore the method adopted is relative and should be researched by the person concerned.

    How to pass