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  • December 24th, 2010

    How To Pass A Urine Drug Test Fast

    How to Pass A Urine Drug Test Fast

    Drug Tests are named after the sample that they use to check for the presence of drug residues. The different kinds of drug testing include urine drug testing, blood test, saliva swab / oral swab drug test, sweat test / analysis and the hair drug test. Drug tests are conducted in order to discourage drug users from using drugs. Failure to pass a drug test can result in loss of job, of sporting achievements, of rented premises or suspension from schools or colleges. The fear of these consequences is supposed act as a deterrent against drug use.

    The hair drug test is the most accurate and the most expensive drug test. It also has the greatest detection period i.e. the duration for which the test can detect drug use after the drug was last used. The urine test is a kind of an optimum test in all respects – accuracy, cost and detection period. In most of these parameters, the urine test falls between the hair test on one hand and the saliva and blood test on the other. This optimum nature makes it the most widely used drug test. It also means that most people know some of the underhand ways to pass the test. So when a person asks: what can I take to pass a drug test, they usually mean the urine test.

    Here are a few suggestions on how to pass urine drug test fast:

    If the urine test is going to be conducted in a couple of hours you can drink one serving of cranberry juice between two servings of water. Cranberry juice is a natural detoxifier and diuretic. Water will then help flush out these broken toxins through urine. If you feel your office will conduct a surprise test, always have a bottle of cranberry juice with you. The juice also aids kidney function.

    If supervision during the collection of urine sample is lax, you can dilute the sample with water or provide synthetic urine as the sample.

    When peeing in the sampler cup, ensure that the last part of the urine is given as the sample – this one will be least toxic.

    How to pass