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  • December 19th, 2010

    How To Test Cocaine

    Read more related to how to test cocaine from urine.

    Most frequently asked question while drug screening is how long cocaine stays in the system. Well it is not simple question and has straightforward answer. There are so many factors which are directly or indirectly making impact on your body’s metabolite system. Like, body mass, current health status of the body, gender, smoking history, and way of screening are the few factors. Other indirect thing includes mood swings, aggressiveness, and routine activity etc. Here take a point that, cocaine is one most rapidly metabolized drug. When urine samples are tested for cocaine presence, they actually take into account presence of benzoylecgonine which is byproduct of cocaine. Now, main question how much time benzoylecgonine remain in the urine sample. Actually, you can detect presence of cocaine byproduct for longer period of time.

    Most of the employers make use of set guidelines about minimum threshold levels set by the NIDA. For urine testing, benzoylecgonine percentage 300ng/ ml or 300 mg/ L is consider as positive result. Nevertheless, these cut off levels are keep changing with the individual depend on when he is going through test. For example, samples taken at very first day obviously have higher percentage of drugs metabolites. Many people try for some tampering in samples. Like adding excess water in sample or drinking fluids in large amount so that drug remnants get diluted. Taking random drug test is best source to get representative specimen. Most proved time period to thrash out benzoylecgonine is 5-6 days. Study reports says that, higher dose of cocaine (0.5 gram or greater than it) avail for the positive test even after week. Some in other reports said that cocaine metabolites (benzoylecgonine) are in detectable form after use of 10-14 days. It is advisable to keep broader range of time period in between cocaine use and urine testing in order to pass a drug test.

    Another main source for avoiding tampering in samples is saliva test. With oral drug test information, you will avail for some very important information related to oral drug test. Oral drug test is carried out with cotton swab. It is best random drug testing form. You can get to know drug abuse almost instantly. Process of oral drug testing is much simpler and results are much accurate.

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