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  • December 24th, 2010

    Mandatory Drug Tests At Schools

    Mandatory drug tests at schools are good

    It a good thing these days if the school authorities are taking genuine interest in conducting drug tests in schools. Parents too can heave a sigh of relief realizing the fact that schools are taking efforts in this respect. Mandatory drug tests at schools are good basically as this helps in keeping a track of those students who are getting into the habit of a bad vice like substance abuse. Schools are getting into the habit of smoking pot, cocaine, heroin, marijuana abuse and using seeds as well as weeds of different kinds to get the kick. When the time for a drug test arrives, all that they want to do is pass drug test by hook or by crook and for this almost any kind of method is adopted, some of which could prove to be more hazardous to health.

    If you are considering folic and hair and test and clean drug test then you need to take necessary effort in this direction as a student. You could lose a whole academic year if you do no pass drug test. In very severe cases the school authorities could take a stern action against you and could probably dismiss you from school. Instead of reaching such a stage, it would be better if you avoid taking drugs of any kind. School students should be concentrating on studies, academics, sports, extra curricular activities and their future career, rather than resorting to deadly substances like drugs.

    A folic and hair and test and clean drug test will need some consideration on your part. There is no point in ruining school life just for the sake of a few friends who have encouraged you to get into such a bad vice. It is best to talk to your teachers, authorities and your parents if there is any student or any other person outside the school who is encouraging you to get into a bad vice like drugs. Mandatory drug tests at schools are good always as this is one of the most perfect ways on keep a track on students and parents too are at an advantage, especially those who are not able to dedicate enough time for their children. You can find the remedial options in time provided you make a determined effort to beat the habit.

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