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  • December 24th, 2010

    Marijuana Test Advise

    Read about marijuana test advise.

    Marijuana is the most commonly abused drug all over the world. Drug addiction has now become a common problem. Unfortunately the increase in the number of illegal drug users is alarming. Teens also love experimenting with drugs and marijuana has proved to be their favorite one. This has made marijuana drug tests mandatory in schools so as to ensure no physical harm is done to the kids. Marijuana mouth swab test are the choice of the employers who are willing to test the employees randomly. Under the guidelines of National Institute of Drug Abuse, drug testing program for marijuana are conducted in workplaces, schools and medical institutions.

    A marijuana drug test measures the amount of THC metabolites in the urine, blood, saliva specimens. THC is the psychoactive ingredient of marijuana that can get one high. It is a fat soluble metabolite and is stored in the fatty tissues. Although marijuana is considered to be the least harmful drug, it stays in the system for longer duration even months. Thus it can be easily detected in a hair follicle drug test. Many people purchase drug testing kits and detox products to pass a drug test and while these are effective methods in a pinch, they can prove to be incredibly expensive. Moreover the testing companies can now detect the chemicals and masking agents by performing a sample integrity test.

    The best way to pass a drug test for marijuana is not to do marijuana for a while prior to the screening. But there is a problem with random drug testing; one never knows when the employer is going to request you to donate a sample. Employers have the right to perform random tests without any advanced notice according to the laws. Even if a drug test is scheduled earlier, a test can still detect the use of drugs days, weeks or even months ago depending upon the age, tolerance to drugs, body mass, amount and frequency of substance abuse and the body metabolism rate. Thus there is no way to escape a drug test protocol. Better refrain from the bad vice at the earliest or be ready to face the dreadful consequences!


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