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  • December 24th, 2010

    Natural Passing Drug Tests

    Read more for the natural passing drug tests.

    Fortunately, there are number of detoxification products available in the market. You can make use of them as per your choice and type of screening method used for testing. Detox products directly counteract on the drug metabolites and free then from fat cells. Some detoxification products also prove beneficial to remove these free drug metabolites through the natural ways. However, it is important to check, which drug testing form is used. Now with the help of analytical modes of testing, testing authority can check out presence of detox agents as well. Another negative point with the detox products is, they are quite expensive and sometimes may leaves harsh after effects on the body. Why don’t you try for home base natural passing drug tests? Here are some natural ways to beat the drug test. Act smartly; do not waste your money on wrong products.

    Very first, know your drug test. Process of drug testing conduction as well as detection time period and cut off value of each drug are the prerequisites to pass any drug test. If you provide complete focus on ways to reduce drug metabolite value, you may avail for some surprising results.

    1. Drink plenty of water- It is most simple yet very effective method to pass any drug test. First plus point of this method is, water acts as catalyst agent over drug metabolites. Plain water tries to speed up the drug metabolic rate. Drinking plenty of water gives clean urine. Still it is necessary for the one to give attention for any water intoxication symptoms. Try to have plain water only. Avoid consuming juices, alcohol during this period.

    2. Exercise- drug metabolites are trapped inside the fat cells. With adequate exercise these drug metabolites starts coming out from the fatty cells. Body thrown them out either from urine or from sweat.

    3. Diet- Diet contributes major role to beat urine tests. Dietary fibers help to clean the body organs before going for actual screening. Fiber forms coating inside the body organs restrict drug metabolites way to go inside.

    4. Sleep- Drug metabolic rate tends to increase when you are sleeping. Take proper sleep before drug test.

    How to pass