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  • November 17th, 2010

    Opiates In Drug Test

    Read about opiates in drug test

    Opiates are derivatives of opium. Initially they were used only for suppressing nervous disorders pain, but today along with this many have started using it as an addictive drug also. Out of many form of opiates, opium is the crudest form and also the least potent. It is a milky substance. How are opiates in drug test? Is it easy to pass a drug test for opiates? In this article you will find how does in come in the drug test and how to escape from it?

    Before you know how to pass drug test about any drug, you should be aware of how is it present in your system, whether in fat soluble form or water soluble form. If you come to know about its chemical properties, then you will face no problem in finding methods to clean it from your system. Opiates are of different form and so they have different chemical and physical properties. Some are in liquid form while some are in the solid form. People smoke as well as eat them raw. As the tolerance of a person towards the drug increases, the person will start consuming more and more drugs.

    Opiates are one of the most widely used drugs in the whole world and so special drug test hare bring conducted to detect opiates from the system. So, if you are also consuming opiates in any form then you should be aware of how to pass the test. Opiates can be detected easily. The detection time for this drug like others varies according to the type of drug test and also according to the form of opiate going to be tested. Different forms of opiates have different detection time.

    Here is a list of detection time of the forms of opiates in a urine drug test:

    1. Opium: One to Two days
    2. Heroin: One to Four days
    3. Morphine: Three to Four days
    4. Meperidine: One to Four days

    This number has been generalized because it can vary according to the physical properties of the person. Complete information about opiates in the system cannot be given in one shot because it is too vast. Each form of opiates has to be defined and each of them has a different how long drugs stay in system time.

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