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  • February 16th, 2011

    Pass A Drug Test For Opiates

    Read about pass a drug test for opiates.

    In the earlier period when man had no idea about anesthesia and medications, opium was the main source of sedation for several medical procedures. Opium is widely used along with morphine even now to sedate an individual and dull the severe pain. Opiate is one of the most commonly abused substances in the world these days. Opiates are nothing but a specific class of drugs that are derived form opium. The main alkaloid of this class of drug is morphine, which is generally used as a painkiller. Since the past few decades, the chemical properties of opium and the effect of the drug on the brain were studied. Opium is perhaps one of the most widely researched illegal drugs today.

    The abuse of opium and morphine has increased manifold with the advent of hypodermic needle. The lack of the regulation of substance abuse and the increase in the number of people of abusing opium for pleasure has caused the authorities to take severe actions. Opium is banned today and is available only in hospital settings. Opium cannot be brought without a doctor’s prescription. However, there is an illegal trading of this drug. Several opiates like heroin, codeine ad morphine can affect the central nervous system in many aspects. The use of these drugs can lead to drowsiness, mood swings and gastrointestinal discomforts. Once opium is ingested, it is rapidly broken down to different opiates. They get metabolized in the liver and are eliminated through the urine.

    An opiate metabolite can be detected using a blood, hair, saliva or urine drug test. The most common method employed to screen the presence of opiates is the urine drug testing. If you are wondering how to pass a drug test for opiates, then there is simply no other option than not using the drug. Many people use bleach in urine to pass drug test. However, this is not an effective method and can have several negative side effects on the system. Testing positive might cause a lot of legal trouble!

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