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  • February 16th, 2011

    Pass A Hair Follicle Drug Test

    Read how to pass a hair follicle drug test.

    Drug testing is a process of technical analysis of biological specimens like urine, hair, saliva or blood for the presence or absence of drugs and drug metabolites in the system of an individual. Drug addiction is much grave problem than it actually seems to be. The use of drugs has increased tremendously amongst the teens and young adults in United States. This has led to the emergence of drug testing programs in high schools and colleges. Drug tests are considered to be an effective tool to discourage the use of drugs. It is necessary that the teens stop the use of drugs in the early years so that they do not become future addicts. Many a times the drugs are used by the people just for the fun part of it which later turn to addiction and it is very difficult to give up the use. Thus the drug testing policies are on a high in the society these days.

    A drug test can come up in several forms. Hair follicle drug tests are precise at detecting the use of prescription drugs, over the counter medications and illegal drugs within the specified detection window. If an individual uses illegal drugs, then the remnants gets encased in the hair shafts. They remain in the hair as they grow out and remain detectable in the hair unless they are cut. On an average the human hair grows at the rate of 0.5 inch per month. This arbitrarily limits the detection period of the hair drug test to 90 days. The longer the hair, the longer the history of drug utilization will be revealed. Depending upon the length of the hair of an individual, the detection period varies.

    Another recent innovation in the drug testing technology is the sweat patch drug test. Sweat test THC are generally not recommended as the testing method is not acceptable by the U.S, Supreme courts. To pass a hair follicle drug, there are several detox shampoos and conditioners available in the markets. But the only sure way to pass a drug test is to stay off the drugs!

    How to pass