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  • December 19th, 2010

    Pass Drug Test For Opiates

    Pass Drug Test for Opiates

    Drug Tests check a person for drug use. They extract a sample of body hair or some body fluid like blood, urine, sweat or saliva. This sample is then examined for the presence of drug residues. Drug testing is used for determining drug use in different situations – pre employment and during employment drug tests, post accident drug tests, return to duty drug test and random drug tests to name a few. The urine test is the most common of all the drug tests. So a drug test before employment is most likely to be a pre employment urine drug test.

    Drug testing was instituted to discourage the practice of drug use. The fear of testing positive in a drug test and facing the consequences is enough to discourage many people from using drugs. Opiates are derived from the opium poppy plant. The plant grows in the Middle East, Central and South America and in South East Asia. When the plant is ripe for harvesting, the seed pod of the poppy is cut. A juice flows out. This is morphine – the primary opiate. It can be converted into heroin by a simple chemical process. Opiates are fairly popular drugs and so standard drugs tests include them in the ambit of the drugs that they are going to detect. You need to know how to pass drug test for opiates even if you do not use opiates. This is because consumption of certain foods and medicines can make you test positive for opiates even if you do not consume them. This dreaded condition is called as a false positive.

    Opiates are fat-soluble. This helps them cross the blood – brain barrier and enter and affect the brain. This is also the reason why people with more body fat retain opiates for longer durations and the reason why opiates are able to re – enter the blood stream. The average period for which opiates stay in the system is 2 to 5 days. The exact duration also depends on the amount and frequency of use. To pass drug test for opiates you need to dilute and detoxify your urine – the most likely test. To do this you will have to exercise regularly, drink a lot of water and eat a balanced and healthy diet. Exercise will burn the opiate storing fat. Water will then flush out these broken opiates through urine.

    How to pass