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  • February 16th, 2011

    Pass Drug Test Hair

    How to pass drug test hair

    New diseases and new medical challenges have come up in the recent times thus enforcing drug companies to come up with new drugs for treatment of incurable as well as deadly diseases. Most common today are diseases like autoimmune diseases, HIV, cancer for which extensive treatment becomes necessary, leading to increased toxin content in the body. Chances of testing positive in a drug testing process increase and hence detoxing the body becomes essential. You will have to pass drug test hair, in case a drug test on hair sample is done by washing off hair well with special medicated hair washing shampoos. If you take niacin to pass drug test, then that too would do, but ensure that you avoid taking high does of niacin or vitamin C capsules to pass the drug test. Juice of pomegranate and cranberry fruit is excellent in detoxing the body off toxins. These juices contain antioxidants which help in flushing out toxins.

    There couldn’t be a better thing to do when there are a number of home remedies to pass a drug test. It is also advisable that you drink some wheatgrass at least two to three times a day before attending the drug testing procedure. To take niacin to pass a drug test is definitely a good thing, but not without following other detox methods to. A simple thing like drinking lots of water throughout the day will help a great deal in helping you get rid of the heroin, marijuana, cocaine or any other drug toxin out of the body in an effective manner.

    Drug testing calls for awareness and a lot of preparation. So be on your guard and it is easy to get on with life. Testing employees for drugs requires you to a clear urine sample or any lab test protocol. Drug testing can be tricky if not approached in the right manner. To pass drug test hair too, water is an excellent remedy. Sweating it out can help remove salts or toxins out from skin and hair, by sitting in the sauna or exercising a lot. Drug testing can be tricky if not approached in the right manner. By exercising not only will toxins be released from the body, but fat levels are reduced and you remain active for long.

    How to pass