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  • December 19th, 2010

    Reading Results Of Hair Drug Test

    Read about reading results of hair drug test

    Now drugs that were consumed three to four months before the test can also be detected. One of the most advanced technologies for drug testing is hair drug tests. In this article you will come to know how the procedure for hair drug testing is done and how are the reading results of hair drug test done?

    Hair drug test is the most advanced one because of the following features:

    1. It can detect drugs that were consumed even three months before the actual day of the test
    2. One cannot easily clean away the drug particles stuck in the hair, manually.
    3. The set up cost may be high but the results come out accurately
    4. The procedure for this test is quite complicated, so one has to be highly qualified to do the test. In many laboratories unqualified professional conduct he tests and lead to wrong results.
    5. It can detect all most every drug.

    The strategy of this drug test is based on the idea that drugs get stuck in the hair follicle. When a person consumes drug, some of the drug residue gets stuck in the hair follicle or commonly known as the root of the hair. This is stuck deep inside the scalp and so one cannot easily clean it manually and also not every hair root can be cleaned. This makes it difficult for the person to pass drug test and easy for the technicians to catch drug addicted people red handed.

    Even though there are many advantages in a hair drug test, there are some disadvantages also. If you stand next to a person smoking drugs then some particles of the drug will fly in the air with the smoke. This smoke can rest ion your hair and can be detect in the drug test. So you can get caught for a crime that you did not do. A hair drug test can detect drugs up o three months even if their detection times are different like marijuana drug test detection times or cocaine drug test detection times

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