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  • December 24th, 2010

    Reading Urine Drug Test

    Read about reading urine drug test.

    Drug testing has always been a controversial issue ever since its introduction in United States in the early twentieth century. Many are of opinion that the drug tests are violation to an individual’s privacy. The justification of its conduction has generally been in the workplace for two purposes- pre employment drug tests wherein the employers would want to minimize the risk of hiring an abusers and post accident drug testing after a certain incidence to determine whether the person was under the influence of drugs. Urinalysis is the most common method employed for marijuana screening in workplaces, courts and medical institutions.

    A urine drug test is a technical analysis of urine specimen to detect the presence of illegal drugs and their metabolites. A urine drug tests contains two discrete steps:

    (1) Physical examination wherein the color, specific gravity, clarity and the concentration of the sample are determined.

    (2) Chemical examination to screen the presence of drugs of abuse.

    These methods employed to perform these tests are immunoassay analysis and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The later one is more accurate and is viewed as a confirmation test in case if the results come out to be positive in the immunoassay. There are several cases when a results turns out to be a false positive, wherein various other factors are to be taken into account like prescription drugs and food items.

    If you are going in for a urine drug tests, then make sure that you provide the midstream urine sample. This means that the first part of the urine is to be discarded. It is always recommended to clean the genital area prior to the sample collection so as to ensure that the sample is clean and you pass drug test. Make sure that you test yourselves prior to your personal deadline at home. But the home drug testing kits are prone to error or contamination. The results need to be followed by an equivalent lab test. There are innumerable ways to switch the drug test results. Many drug test solutions available in markets claim to cleanse the system. But let me tell you there are still doubts on their efficiency. Thus the best way to pass a drug test is stop doing them ASAP!

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