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  • October 7th, 2010

    Sciteck Urine Drug Test Opiates

    Sciteck urine drug test opiates

    Detection of opiates in urine concludes many things. Opium is a plant from which marijuana is available and therefore becomes the source of drugs. Besides being a drug it has pharmacological properties as well. It is also used as antidote and has receptor sites which cause effects in the brain. The quantity of opium present in urine depends on the intake. Different drugs have different effects on the body. Some effects stay for a considerable time in the blood stream and urine. If you eat poppy seeds your drug tests can be positive as poppy seeds are the carrier of opium.

    The GC/MC tests can only give positive and negative results but the source of drugs cannot be found out by these tests. Before passing drug abuse screening tools you need to fill a questionnaire and based on the answers you will be able to get the proper attention. All you need to do is to pass a drug test to ensure that your system is free of opium effects. There are four to five important questions based on which a proper conclusion is reached. You can still escape these drug tests but you need to have a good knowledge about the drugs and its effects.

    Authentic tests like NIDA approved drug test have very less scope of tampering. The opiates metabolites in urine and a mixture of complex substances are formed. Options like hair testing and saliva testing are also available. The time period of detection is directly proportional to hair growth. Drugs like heroine stays in urine for almost twenty four hours after which the detection is a bit doubtful. Levels of codeine and morphine can also be detected within a day. The sample of urine goes through random tests to detect all kinds of drugs.

    At times one universal test will detect all types of drug effects. Presence of effects in saliva especially opiates is determined through the same process and time period is relatively more as compared to urine detection. There are latest technologies which provide false positive detection of urine drug tests .Tampering in case of opiates is not an easy process as opium itself has many elements combined. Drug test kits for opiates and other drugs are available by which you can get the test done at home.

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