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  • November 9th, 2010

    Shampoo For Hair Drug Test

    Shampoo for Hair Drug Test.

    Drug Tests are conducted to check if the person being tested is a drug user. Samples of body fluids like urine, blood, sweat and saliva or bodily extensions like hair are analyzed for traces of drug residues that accumulate inside the body when drugs are consumed. The urine test is the most common of all the drug tests. However, the hair drug test is the most accurate and most difficult to cheat on. The only way to hoodwink this one is to use a shampoo for the hair drug test.

    This test uses hair from any part of the body as the sample. Human hair consists of three concentric layers. Drug residues accumulate in the middle layer known as the cuticle. In this test the outermost layer of the hair is opened up and the cuticle is examined for traces of drugs. This is the reason why the test is the most difficult to beat. Furthermore, advanced versions of this test can trace drug consumption history of certain drugs for as long as 3 years before the test. To pass drug test you should have a specialist approach – the general one that may succeed with the other tests will not work here.

    The first thing you need to do is to find a genuine and effective masking hair shampoo. We suggest that you consult a qualified professional before purchasing one. This is the hardest part. But once you do this it will help you in passing at home drug tests. The masking shampoo opens up the outermost layer of the hair. After that they sort of surround and seal the inner layers of the hair. These sealants in the shampoo do not dissolve in any lab solvents. So when your hair is checked for drug residues, none will be detected because the part of the hair containing drug residue is already covered up. And this “cover up” will last for years, not merely months. So in case your employer, or other superior authority, decides to send you for a rechecking test, you need not worry – the result will be the same and you will pass with more than flying colors.

    How to pass