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  • December 24th, 2010

    Swab Drug Test Detection Times

    Swab Drug Test Detection Times

    Drug Tests are named after the sample that they use to examine for the presence of traces of drugs. The different types of drug tests are the urine test, blood test, saliva test, sweat test and the hair drug test. The urine test is a sort of an optimum test in all respects – accuracy, cost and detection time. It is therefore the most widely used drug test. The hair test is the most accurate and also the most expensive. It is used mostly by the armed forces. The saliva test is not that accurate, but can be conducted very quickly. It can be used as a surprise test and to pass drug test you either need to be a non-user or extremely lucky.

    Because the urine test is so common there is a lot of information about it, and a lot of misinformation as well. One such piece of wrong question is: can you pass a drug test with bleach? Most people believe that the answer is affirmative. But the answer is no. The only thing that bleach can do is – it can get you killed. The saliva test is used in applications where it is necessary to know drug use within a limited period before the test. Such applications include post accident testing, testing of vehicle and equipment drivers, return to duty testing etc. Swab drug test detection times are low. The test can detect alcohol use in a period of 3 to 4 days before the test. For other drugs like cocaine, opiates, methamphetamine, benzodiazepine and ecstasy this period is 2 to 3 days. For marijuana the period is only 24 hours.

    In this test a cotton swab is inserted in the mouth of the person being tested and left there till it is saturated with saliva. This swab is then placed on a colored test strip. Depending on the response of the strip, the persons drug use / non-use habits are determined. The reason why the test is so popular is because it can be conducted very quickly, it is nearly impossible to cheat this test and because of its compatibility in certain areas.

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