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  • February 16th, 2011

    Urine Drug Screening

    Read about urine drug screening.

    Urine drug screening has been the main basis of performing drug tests for several years now. Employers, courts, police department, schools and medical institutions have all instituted urine drug tests to screen the presence of illegal drugs. Urine drug test is a reliable yet invasive method that can detect the drug metabolites easily. Many privacy advocates have tried to halt urine drug screening since the direct observation of the process can cause embarrassment and humiliation in those being subjected to the test. Many people have tried retaliating against the drug testing protocol by providing clean urine drug test samples. Clean urine drug test samples and detox products can be purchased online.

    Many companies provide detox drinks, adulterants and masking agents to skew the drug test results in the favor of the subject. Parents also use urine drug tests to check whether their teens are under the influence of illegal drugs or not. The teens are wise these days and are aware about the methods to pass drug test. One problem with the urine drug test is that it can give inordinate amount of false positive drug test results. The false positive results can wreck a reputation, family life or career of the subject. The urine drug screening began in U.S. in the year 1970. In 1986, all the federal employees were mandated to undergo a drug screening. Urine was designated as the only acceptable specimen for drug testing.

    Urine specimen is less invasive than blood samples. Today, several employers are using hair specimens for screening the drugs since the urine tests can easily be faked. Even though they there are ways to cheat a hair follicle drug as well, they are less likely to succeed as compared with urine tests. Synthetic urine has made it easier to pass a drug test for urine. Many abusers adopt dilution methods to lower the amount of drug metabolites present in their systems. The government needs to be more stringent with the urine drug test methods and revolutionize the testing methods. This will help discard the less productive population in the workplaces.

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