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  • October 7th, 2010

    Urine Drug Test Detection Times

    Urine drug test detection times

    The urine drug testing is the most commonly used method of drug testing. It is usually inexpensive and also an easy method of screening for drug use. This drug testing method is safe and all encompassing. Employers appreciate its quick turnaround time. Often the results are returned within 25-28 hours. With the presence of many testing labs in a city convenience is a general factor in choosing a urine test along with other factors like types of specimen, test method, metabolism, etc.

    Drug detection times depends on ones physical factors like height, weight, amount of body fat, age, current state of health and/or whether a person exercise mildly, aggressively or not at all. The approaching employee just needs to sign in and sign a few releases and then urinate in a cup. In most cases, the employee is allowed to close the restroom door for this process to maintain some privacy. The need to urinate in full company is virtually eliminated because urine tests can detect the masking agents. The duration of the process usually only lasts 20 minutes and employers can have the results within some hours

    Many articles on drug testing have confusing information on infinite lists of products Statements made by them are contradictory and often misleading. One may not need an engineering degree to make a decision on how to pass a urine drug test. Some websites with flashy titles request you trust science and not urban legends. Avoiding such material, one must search for relative and proper information regarding urine drug test. Enough websites also offer good and accurate information but the need is to sieve through and find what can be used.

    Some limitations of the detection tests are there since it is dependent on several aspects like age, health of the person and the metabolic rates. Everyone has a different metabolism, even if two people consume similar amount of the drug then there are probabilities that the result of drug test may vary. The test results also very much depend on the fact that how the drug was consumed either taken orally or through injections. It is also imperative to understand that frequent consumption can lead not only to difficult detoxification but can also demonstrate higher amount of drug presence.

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