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  • December 24th, 2010

    Urine Drug Test Results

    Read about urine drug test results.

    Urine drug testing is a process of technical analysis designed to screen the presence of illegal drugs and drug metabolites in the specimen. Urine screening is employed to determine the amount of illicit drugs present in the system of the abusers. It is also used to monitor the drug dependency of the subject or determine the presence of drugs of abuse for legal purpose. Abusers come up with great ideas when it comes to passing a drug test. Moreover there are a number of websites that provides the info to the abusers and they successfully understand how to pass a urine drug test in one day. Failing to pass a drug test is embarrassing and can be the reason behind many negative consequences, thus it is recommended to abstain from this bad vice at the earliest!

    Urine drug test are the required conditions for employment in the recent years. Almost all the workers in occupations like law enforcement and transportation are required to submit a sample for periodic, random and post accident drug testing. All the federally mandated drug tests should be conducted by a standard laboratory certified by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Urinalysis can effectively detect the presence of Cannabinoids, amphetamines, cocaine, opiates and PCP, the five most commonly abused drugs. Sometimes the drug screening tests are unable to distinguish between the prescription drugs and illicit drugs of abuse. For instance, if an individual is taking codeine pills, he/she might test positive for opiates. It is also possible for vitamin supplements and over-the-counter medication to cause a false positive for the one who has never ever used illegal drugs.

    Abusers are always in search of ways to swindle a drug test. Dilution is the most common method used by many to lower the concentration of drug metabolites in the system below the threshold. Moreover many companies have come up with excellent products to detoxify the system. These are basically masking agents that are used to coat the drug metabolites present in the urine sample. Substitution of the sample is a common practice with the aid of synthetic urine. The labs needs to be more prйcised when it comes to drug testing and should be aware of all the tactics and tricks that interfere with the test results!

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