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  • October 7th, 2010

    Ways To Fool A Drug Test

    Different ways to fool a drug test

    Fooling the authorities is not easy as they are experts on the job and they know the tricks of the trade. If you have been working on ideas how to outgo them then they also have ideas to catch you. Sp before deciding what method you will be using to fool the authorities please check the various options by which you could get caught. The different ways to fool a drug test are first and for most to give up the drug. This way additional harm is not done. The other thing that I would suggest is that you get yourself involved in other things like take up a hobby which you always wished to. This way you may not even get the itch to take drugs. Sweating is also another good way of throwing out the toxins in your body. Get involved in things where you have to sweat it out. If you cannot think of anything trying running, jogging or playing games where you sweat the most – go to a gym. The exercises there will help you to reduce the toxin levels in your body so that you can pass a drug test.

    How to conceal synthetic urine for a drug test

    If you are have to pass a drug test and the sample required is urine then one thing you can do is drink lots of water so that the urine becomes diluted. The authorities can however reject this sample as it is diluted and may cal for another sample. If hair sample is called then it is difficult to manipulate the sample because the drug toxins remain for a longer time in hair follicles may be up to one year. However shampoos and serums are available online which can help to a certain extent. How to conceal the synthetic urine for a drug test is important and should be practiced as you do not know the situation in which you will have to give the sample. You could hide the synthetic urine in your underclothes and replace the urine sample with the synthetic urine. However care should be taken when opening the bottle to transfer the content. Read information on the net to know more about how to conceal synthetic urine for a drug test.

    How to pass
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