Need to pass a drug test ? That's the best website

Face your Drug Test with Confidence

24/7 toll free call line (866) 600-0032

Category: How to pass

  • Holiday Season Drug Testing

    Posted on November 2nd, 2012 How to pass

    Quite a few holiday revelers will take this opportunity to enjoy some of the choice inhaled delights of the marijuana/hemp plant or other party favors while celebrating this holiday season. This can have dire consequences for many because all employers know that the holidays are a “High Time” for many of their staff and may conduct random drug screenings after the holidays.


    If by chance you do indulged in some extra “party” activities and you are employed at a drug free workplace then DON’T PANIC …. Our trained detox professionals can review your exact needs and then suggest the products best to help you pass your drug test.


    There are products to pass drug tests available that will help you pass a 5 panel drug test, 10 panel drug test, saliva drug test, hair follicle drug test, Percocet urine test,  cocaine drug tests, marijuana drug tests, opiate drug tests, lortab urine test, benzo drug test, meth drug test, methamphetamine drug test, Oxycodone urine analysis, gc ms drug testing and false positive drug test.


    The best anti drug test available is the synthetic urine. This product is only for passing urine drug tests or passing a piss test as commonly known. It’s also what we strongly recommend if our customer has a history of frequent and heavy drug usage or has a high body weight. Many callers ask: will synthetic urine pass a lab test? The answer is yes. However, it cannot be used for DOT urine drug test or a medical physical preformed by a doctor. These tests actually do look for biological markers not in synthetic urine. Another of our guaranteed ways to pass drug test are our same day drinks and capsule combinations.  These are great urine cleansers and are most effective if used about two hours before your urine drug test and provides clean urine for up to six hours. These anti drug testing combination of drink and pill are powerful and you should consult our detox professionals at 866-600-8820 before ordering.


    Don’t make the mistake of thinking “Oh I just had a little bit” … even a single hit can register as a positive up to 90 days after using. It’s just not worth the risk. When used correctly detox products do work so it is best to call, speak with one of our trained detox professionals and get the product best for you!

  • Did You Study For Your Test?

    Posted on November 1st, 2012 How to pass

    You have a drug test coming up. Did you study for it? Silly question but are you prepared for it? All through school anytime we had a test we always made sure we were prepared for it by hours of studying the subject matter.  Well you are out of school now and these drug tests have far more important ramifications if you fail.  Drug test yourself!

    You should begin to prepare for your drug test by obtaining a home urine test strip to use in the privacy of your own home to see if you are positive for any substances that will be tested for.

    There is a wide variety of drug test kits to choose from.  To pass a urine drug test there are a few options. There are single panel test strips that test for individual substances.  The THC marijuana single panel home urine test kit will give you instant results to see if you are still producing THC metabolites in your urine even if you have not smoked in a few weeks.  These THC metabolites can be detected in your urine sample long after you have quit because they are stored in your fat cells and as you break down fatty tissue they are released into your urinary tract.  There are also single panel test strips for cocaine, opiates, methamphetamine / ecstasy, oxycodone, cotinine (tobacco), or adulteration strips. If you believe you have more than one substance that you will test positive for then you can use a five panel, six panels, ten panels or twelve panel urine drug test strip.  The 5 panel urine drug test strip is the most common and it tests for the following drugs and their cutoff levels.  Marijuana (THC) at 50 ng/ml cutoff detection level, amphetamines 1000 ng/ml cutoff level, morphine / opiates 2000 ng/ml cutoff level, methamphetamines 500 ng/ml cutoff level and cocaine 300 ng/ml cutoff level.

    (To Be Continued)

  • How to choose a right one

    Posted on October 31st, 2012 How to pass

    There are a lot of questions that need to be answered when you have a drug testing coming up and trying to choose a good detox product that will work for you. The process of selection should start with basic questions of the type of test you are going to have and the toxin level that is in the body at that moment. Then the selection of the detox products will narrow down, and depending on the body weight and the amount of time that is allotted before the actual test you may make your choice. Numerous shapes and forms, liquids or pills, myriad of flavors – there is a lot to choose from when picking detox products. Generally, detox pills are considered to be not as strong as detox drinks, but of course there are exceptions. Make sure to read all of the descriptions – usually it is indicated if the product is intended for a light user, or if it is suitable to be taken by people with higher body mass or higher toxin level. So if you just stopped using a few days ago, and trying to choose between a detox drink for light users and a detox pills for heavy users to pass your upcoming drug test, go with the latter one – just because it is pills, it does not mean that they are weaker. Also, keep in mind that certain products are intended to be taken for a longer period of time to get permanently cleansed – so if it is a drink, and you do not read instructions, you may be consuming a product that is intended to taken over the 7 day period.

  • number one or number two

    Posted on October 30th, 2012 How to pass

    Here at MB Detox, We regularly receive phone calls from customers who want to completely clean out their body in addition to passing a drug test. No matter how big or small you are, or how often you use drugs, toxins and drug metabolites build up in the body over time and are mainly stored in the fat cells. These fat cells can and do break down naturally over time, but this can take anywhere from 30 days to 3 months. A good full body drug detox will greatly speed up the detox and helps expelling these drugs and toxins from the body, usually in about 7 to 14 days depending on your body size and frequency of drug use. While most people think of drug detoxification in terms of urinary excretion, a large portion of metabolic waste is removed through the bowel. Vale’s Fiber Boost provides a potent dose of dietary fiber to help speed digestion and promote regularity. Vale’s Fiber Boost can be taken regularly to improve digestive health or with fast acting detoxification supplements to provide the fiber that they often lack. The bowels can actually expel up to 5 times as much toxins as the urinary tract. The addition of natural fiber diet will help to excrete a majority of THC [metabolites] and will also help by binding and expelling bile-acids, which makes you feel just damn GOOD.


    Our premium 7 day detox kit also works for those who have quit drugs and just want to completely clean or detox their body. It is also money back guaranteed to pass a drug test and is very effective as a complete drug detox. The premium detox 7 day kit will help expel all drugs and toxins from the body, usually in about 7 to 14 days depending on your body size and frequency of drug use. The Herbal Clean Master Tea is a great detox tea and compliments the premium detox 7 day kit as a delicious all natural drink that has been known for ages as an antioxidant, diuretic and energizer. This detox tea gives you a real chance to speed up  your bowels and cleanse the body. This detox tea is powered by the finest natural herbs, widely recognized to have cleansing qualities. Inexpensive and easy to use, Vale’s Fiber Boost is a great addition to any detoxification regimen.


    If you have questions or need help choosing a detox product appropriate for your situation, call us toll-free at 1-866-600 0032. Our customer service representatives will be happy to assist you and answer all your questions!

  • Synthetic Urine: Invalid Test Results (Part 2)

    Posted on October 29th, 2012 How to pass

    A diluted sample usually indicates a decreased creatinine level in the urine most likely brought on by drinking excessive amounts of water. Diluted samples are often sent for further testing to determine toxin levels at much smaller increments than the initial tests.

    An invalid sample is different than a diluted sample.

    We are receiving a few reports lately that a sample has been determined to be invalid, meaning that the lab has run tests to check for human elements such as uric acid and found that the sample contained none.

    Uric acid is a waste product produced by our bodies as we break down certain molecules and is released in our urine. If uric acid is created at a rate faster than we can expel it through urination then it crystallizes in our bodies and the crystals are then released through the urine which can be a sign of health problems.  These molecules, called purines, are naturally found in the food we eat. Meat, beans, oatmeal and fish are rich sources of purines. High levels of uric acid are generally associated with diseases such as diabetes, gout, and cardiovascular disease. High amounts of uric acid in the system may lead to kidney stones.

    Testing for uric acid levels is generally reserved for medical testing and not strictly for drug testingSynthetic urine contains no uric acid.  When applying for a position that requires a physical a test for uric acid may be conducted.

  • Choosing a right product – part 2

    Posted on October 26th, 2012 How to pass

    It is never easy to pass a drug testing for people who cannot stop using before the test, or when the drug tests themselves come unexpected. Random drug testing is really a pain in the neck, but if you want to keep the job – you have to figure out a way to pass them, and how to find the right detox product to assist you with that.

    -         Ok, so synthetic urine is the best way to pass a random drug test, since it has everything that human urine has, except for the toxins, of course! And all I have to do it keep it warm? How do I do that?

    -         Each kit comes with a warmer pad – about an hour before the test, activate the warmer pad by simply taking it out from the pouch and attach it to the bottle. It will take approximately an hour for the urine to gain standard human temperature.

    -         O, that is perfect, because they give me about an hour to get ready for the test. Now another question I have for you – how about those things you can add to your own urine? I saw a couple of those on the web, and it says 500% money-back guarantee – are those better? They are kind of more pricier, too…

    -         Pre-mixed urine is a better option since the bottle is sealed and the liquid of free from any contaminants. Powdered additives can be tricky as they are supposed to eliminate the toxins that are in the urine at that moment, or in some instances they mess up the sample quality so that the test does not recognize the liquid as urine at all. If you really want to pass a drug test, it is better to go with a trusted brand that has been getting constant good reviews.

  • staying clean after your drug test

    Posted on October 25th, 2012 How to pass

    Frequently, we get calls from customers who have already ordered one of our detox products and they passed the drug test that had them so worried. They are very grateful our detox products worked, which is a great call to get. ;) Sometimes, the conversation will lead to a discussion on if there is anything they can do now to stay clean.


    Some have tried different remedies or strategies with little or no success. Others have found a way to live life without fear of failing another drug test. The first thing is to find out if you have a drug problem or not. In order to stay clean you should first try to find new activities and try to find a new purpose in life. For some, exercising and meditation can be a good beginning. Also, make sure all the drug toxins are out of your body. Our premium 7 day detox kit works best for those who have quit drugs and just want to completely clean or detox their body. It is also guaranteed to pass a drug test and is very effective as a body drug detox. The premium detox 7 day kit will help expel all drugs and toxins from the body, usually in about 7 to 14 days depending on your body size. The Herbal Clean Master Tea is a great compliment to the premium detox 7 day kit and a delicious drink that has been known for ages as natural antioxidant, diuretic and energizer. This detox tea gives you a real chance to speed up the flow of urine in your body and cleanse it. This detox tea is powered by the finest natural herbs, widely recognized to have cleansing qualities.


    If you have questions or need help choosing a detox product appropriate for your situation, call us toll-free at 1-866-600 0032. Our customer service representatives will be happy to assist you and answer all your questions! 8)

  • Synthetic Urine: Invalid Test Results

    Posted on October 24th, 2012 How to pass

    Every once in a while we hear about someone who received an invalid test result  who has used synthetic urine to pass a drug test.  This is an anomaly not the norm.  Synthetic urine is designed by the manufacturers to match human urine in pH balance, specific gravity, and creatinine levels so it is virtually foolproof.  Most come with a heating pad and temperature gauge to assure the user is submitting his or her sample at the acceptable body temperature range.

    When you submit your urine sample for drug testing there are a few steps involved in validating the sample. The first step would be to verify that the sample is in the right temperature range which could be anywhere from ninety degrees to one hundred degrees.  If the sample is found to be out of this range then the subject is usually asked to give a second sample immediately often while being observed. The second step would be to check for proper pH levels and creatinine levels.  If these levels are fine then the sample should be deemed valid for testing for toxins. If the creatinine levels of the sample are found to be less than twenty nanograms per milliliter then the lab will run a test for specific gravity of the urine which is a comparison of the density of the sample compared to the density of distilled water.  After checking the specific gravity and creatinine levels of the sample the specimen is determined to be normal, diluted, invalid or substituted.  A diluted or an invalid sample will most likely result in the person having to resubmit another sample and possibly be observed when submitting the sample.  A substituted result may most likely be treated as an outright fail on the test.

    (To Be Continued)

  • Choosing a right product – part 1

    Posted on October 23rd, 2012 How to pass

    It is never easy to pass a drug testing for people who cannot stop using before the test, or when the drug tests themselves come unexpected. Random drug testing is really a pain in the neck, but if you want to keep the job – you have to figure out a way to pass them, and how to find the right product to assist you with that.

    -         Hi, someone told me this is the number to call if you have a question about drug test. I hope you can help me… I am a very heavy user, 220 lbs, 6’2”, but I also exercise regularly, I try to stay active. The problem is – I am a subject to a random drug testing. I have not had one yet, and the longer they do not do it, the more I am freaking out. I think they may call me next week, or maybe not, I have no clue! In any case, I cannot stop smoking. I suffer from anxiety and without having a puff or two at night before I go to bed will kill me, I mean, not literally, but without it I cannot relax. So how can pass a random drug test without quitting smoking? I know none of those detox product will work for me in this situation…

    -         You are right, for a flushing product to work properly you need to stay free from any toxins for a few days before using it. However, there is an option – you can use synthetic urine. It is a clean urine sample in a bottle that has all human urine characteristics: pH level, specific gravity, creatine level, and so on. The only thing you have to worry is heating it up.

  • 2CB Drug Testing

    Posted on October 22nd, 2012 How to pass

    We recently have received calls wanting to know how to pass a drug test if  2C-B is in their system. There are many ways to pass a drug test, even drug tests for 2CB and where you have very little notice. First lets review 2C-b


    2C-B commonly mistaken for and/or sold under the name of Ecstasy (MDMA) and is often referred to on the street as Rusko, Spectrum, Venus, Bees, Seabees, or Nexus. 2Cb is not one of the 5 panel drugs tested for in U.S. government-approved basic drug tests. 2C-B is also not tested for in typical extended 10 panel drug tests. 2C-B is a phenylalanine and closely related to amphetamines. The 2C-B chemical is different enough that it is unlikely, although possible, that it would trigger the amphetamine test in a basic 5 panel drug test.


    The standard 5 panel drug tests are only testing for amphetamines, cocaine, opiates, marijuana, and PCP. The standard 10 panel tests, which are rare, tests for the above plus benzos, methadone, barbiturates, tricyclic antidepressants, and methamphetamine in addition to amphetamine. 2cb drugs will not show up on these tests. You would have to be SPECIFICALLY tested for the 2cb drug to test positive for it, that is expensive and highly unlikely they would administer such a test.  However, 2cb does look structurally very similar to amphetamine, are false positives possible?


    There are products to pass drug tests available that will help you pass a 5 panel test, saliva drug test, hair drug test, Percocet urine test, amphetamine false positive, cocaine drug tests, marijuana drug tests, opiate drug test, lortab urine test, benzo drug test, meth drug test, methamphetamine drug test, Oxycodone urine analysis, gc ms drug testing and false positive drug test.


    The best anti drug test available is the synthetic urine. ;)   This product is only for pee tests and excellent for passing a urine drug test. It’s also what we strongly recommend if our customer has a history of frequent and heavy drug usage or has a high body weight. However, synthetic urine cannot be used for DOT urine drug tests. Instead we recommend our same day detox drinks and detox capsules. These are great fast acting urine cleansers and are not “urine .  These are most effective if used about two hours before your urine drug test and provides clean urine for three to five hours. These anti drug testing combination of drink and pill are powerful and you should consult our detox professionals at 866-600-8820 before ordering. 8)