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  • May 21st, 2010

    But I have cleaned up my act

    Customer calls last week and explains he is a contractor for a huge IT company and is his own boss. He does not get the fringe benefits most employees do. No health insurance, No 401k, No retirement. Which in turn meant, No urine drug test when he was hired?

    He begins to proceed how his company is going to hire a handful of employees from a major PC/Software manufacturer and they will hire him as a Full Time employee. He had explained he was excited but wanted to know what to do about it because now he was required to take a Urine Test.

    I had explained numerous products to him considering he was an extremely heavy THC/ Marijuana user. After describing some of the products he told me he has been clean for a few weeks now. I recommended he took an at home test and tested himself to see if he was still positive for THC. He called me back and said he found out it was going to be a Hair Follicle test. I recommended the shampoos that we carry. He declined because he did not want to take the chance.

    A few days had passed. He called back and said he failed his Hair Follicle test. I apologized to him for his loss. He said they are going to give him a chance to take a urine test. I again recommended what he may have needed. Considering he has been clean about 5 weeks by now it wouldn’t have been too much of a product since he has almost cleaned himself out by now.

    He declined to purchase again. So he called me a few days ago to tell me he drank a ton of water and failed due to a “too dilute” reading. So he decided to put out a few dollars and order one of our Detox Drinks.

    The gentleman called me yesterday to thank me for saving his job the detox drink worked and he passed his test. He was waiting for the contract to be emailed to him to confirm his Full Time position.

    How to pass
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