August 3rd, 2012
Covering the bases
Generally, if you want to pass your drug test successfully you would do your research in advance. Some people like to ask for an advice from friends or acquaintances who had similar experience before, others – do not trust the word of mouth and rely on so-called scientific information. There is so much out there, that sometimes it is hard to distinguish between what definitely will work, and what will not in passing a urine drug test. Drug use charts give contradicting information, and make it even harder to choose the right detox product. In order to make things simple, let us just say that there are four main ways to pass a urine drug testing: natural detoxification (which may take some time), synthetic urine or a substitute product (which may not work for all tests), assisted permanent cleanse or a quick flush of urine. The last two are the most popular ways to detoxify. A permanent cleansing program will supply everything a human body needs to naturally get rid of stubborn toxins and drug metabolites; it will take ten times as less time as it would without the product. Even though this is a preferred method of cleansing for most people, not always you would have enough time to finish the entire program. Quick flush products come in handy when you have a short notice before an employment drug test. A few days of abstinence and you are guaranteed to have successful test results. Just make sure to speak with a health-care professional before using ANY type of product if you have any type of health issues – it is always a good idea to cover all the bases.