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Face your Drug Test with Confidence

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  • September 11th, 2012

    Delicious Trap

    When you need to pass a urine drug testing, there is a high chance that you will know in advance when it will happen and stop using any kinds of illicit substances long enough to get clean. However, in some situations it is hard to resist, and it happens quite often when people cannot stay clean even for a day before the test. For other people staying away from drugs is only half a problem.

    -          Hi, I have a question about some stuff. I do not know where to start… I had to go to do a drug test for my job, and I do not normally do any of that stuff, so I was not even worried about it. But something told me to stop by and get a home drug test, and guess what happened!? I failed my urine drug test for THC! I had no clue what was going on – I have not smoked since college, and that was eight years ago! I did not believe it at first, but rescheduled my drug testing and went and got another home self-test. I failed again! Then I started thinking back, maybe I did something that I did not remember, and sure thing – I was at a friend’s house and they had these brownies, so I had one, well, maybe two, but I did not feel like there was anything else in there besides sugar! I am too embarrassed to call my friend and ask, but do you think that there could be marijuana in them if I could not taste it? I mean isn’t there supposed to be something green, like the grass in them?

    -          Not really, because before cooking with it, THC is extracted from the marijuana, so it is not necessary to taste it or feel it as you consuming the food.

    -          Got it, then it definitely was it. Ok, so send me some detox products so I can pass this drug testing.

    How to pass