January 26th, 2012
Drug Testing In The Workplace – Part 3
The most amusing of all facts surrounding this issue is that the organization created to look into the studies and create a blanket policy for drug testing in the work place concluded that the costs of the tests and the actual low percentage of positive results meant that drug testing would not be cost effective. The money a company could waste in performing the tests far outweighed the benefits the company would reap by having the knowledge the tests would afford them.
One of the bigger problems facing a potential employee with regard to the companies drug testing policy is the test itself. There are currently no regulations that determine what kind of test is done, where or how it’s done, or even by whom. Meaning that you as a potential employee could be asked to go to the medical office of the company and provide a sample that they will then send off to some lab you haven’t heard of to run a test on the sample. This has caused a fair amount of incorrect test results on potential employees who have fought what the lab originally found only to discover their sample was a false positive, and in some rare cases even a false negative. Despite the occurrences of incorrect test results that upon further review were found to be clean employers have continued to use and stand by their policies and labs, despite evidence that these practices and beliefs have done far more harm than good.