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Face your Drug Test with Confidence

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  • October 5th, 2012

    Fast, faster, fastest

    When there is a drug testing coming up, it is easy to panic. In some cases people are trying to get the best results without realizing that there is no specific goal that they are trying to achieve. Depending on the type of test and the amount of time that is allotted, sometimes it is easier to get completely clean, and other times a quick flush will do the job just fine. Generally, permanent body cleanse takes time, depending on the toxin level it can take anywhere from one to three weeks. So in the cases when there is no time left before the test, it is easier to go with a fast cleansing product like a detox drink. In other instances when there are weeks before the test, such a period of time can suggest that a permanent cleanse could be preferable.

    -          Hi, I need to get clean fast! I want a complete cleansing kit so it takes everything out. When can I get it, and when will I be clean?

    -          We offer overnight shipping, so you can get it tomorrow, and it will take about a week or two to get cleansed, depending on several factors, such as your body weight and your toxin level.

    -          No, that is not going to work. Do you have something faster, like a critical cleaning package – I cannot wait a week, I need to get clean fast.

    -          How much time do you have? When is your drug testing?

    -          I have to go to the drug testing place the day after tomorrow, and I need to be completely clean to pass a test. I need the fasted product you have.

    -          I am sorry, but it is not possible to get completely clean in that period of time. For a fast detox solution you can get a urine cleanse that will help you pass a drug test – it has a fast cleansing formula and gives excellent feedback. We will help choose a right product, but just wanted to let you know that it will not be a total body cleanse.

    -          Ok, that is fine! As long as it is good. And fast.

    How to pass
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