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  • January 22nd, 2010

    Honesty and Detox

    I am sure you have heard the saying “Honesty is the best policy”. Well it is in most cases even when it comes to Detox. Why is being honest so important? So we all know exactly what you need and can make sure that the possibly career ending mistake you made does not surface for others to see.

    Most if not all Detox products out on the market work to your benefit in one way or another. The deal is you need to know what you need and how much you need. By being honest and open with yourself and those helping you through this shopping experience we can all smile and relax as soon as we find the right product for your needs.

    Between Detox Drinks, Synthetic Urines, Detox Pills, Detox Shampoos, and Detox kits there are many to choose from in the detox world. I can speak for our company saying the products on our website all have a guarantee carried with them weather it be 100% or up to 500% depending on the manufacturer.
    This is where your honesty is key in passing your test. When you call or email with questions please be as open and honest as your comfort level allows you. State what it was that you used last, how much it was, when you used last, when your test is, and so on and so forth. We are not here to judge you. We are here to make sure your demons do not haunt you.

    If you spotted a detox product that you feel may work for you ask us about it explain your situation and we can point you in the right direction. We are not the type of company who goes for your wallet. In most cases we try to find you the least time consuming and money costing product to give you the guarantee that you will do fine in your test.

    This is how the saying is played out. By being honest we get what we need and that is satisfaction of helping another customer and you get what you need and that is the right product and a return store if you ever need it in the future.

    How to pass
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