July 28th, 2010
How is it possible to test positive?
We have addressed many issues concerning the need to pass a drug test when or after having used a certain substance. There are many products that help to detoxify, that cleanse bodies and just help us get where we need to be. However, the issue of the opposite nature arises – what if a person tested positive whereas he or she did not use any substances for a long period of time, if not at all? What means “false positive” and how to protect yourself against being wrongly accused of using illicit drugs?
There are many reasons why you should know about little things that can go wrong with a drug test. Approximately 5% of all positive tests are false positive. Contaminated sample containers, tampered samples, improper lab procedures, damaged or lost paperwork, simple human error can lead to the results you least expect. One of the most common reasons to result in a positive opiate drug test is when a person had consumed poppy seeds not long before the procedure. A breakfast that seems normal to you, like a poppy-seed bagel or a muffin, may not give out the results of the test that you consider normal for yourself. Also, such foods as nut bars may contain hemp seeds, which, like poppy seeds for opiates, can lead to false positive test results for marijuana. Hemp seeds are high in fiber, and certain companies use them in power-bars. Know what you eat and the ways it can affect you. When going for a urine screen, you are asked to fill out a form listing all medications you are taking at the moment. Make sure to include not only all prescription medications that you currently taking, but also over-the-counter pills and vitamins, and inquire with an assistant about the foods that you’ve eaten in the past 24 hours. Sometimes it does make a difference.