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  • March 26th, 2010

    How much is enough?

    The amount of fluids usually comes to question when a urine test is a matter of concern. Sometimes people think the more the better, but actually if one over drinks on water the urine sample might come up as diluted, so we usually recommend to be careful and not to over drink on fluids 24 hours before the test.

    - I got this detox drink and on the instructions it says that I’m supposed to urinate a couple times before I go for my test, and I don’t want to pee! I mean, I can’t make myself! What do I do?
    - If you have trouble urinating, you can drink additional water.
    - But I already drank the whole drink and the full bottle of water after it! I don’t want to drink too much and get my urine diluted.
    - How long has it been since you drank it?
    - It’s been over an hour. An hour and twenty minutes.
    - And you didn’t go to the bathroom at all?
    - Nope, and I don’t even want to.
    - Did you have a big meal before you started drinking the product?
    - Nope, I took it on empty stomach.
    - What is your body weight?
    - I’m 350 lbs.
    - Oh, for a larger body weight you need to have larger amounts of fluids. You can drink another 20-24 oz of fluids; it won’t dilute your sample.

    Different bodies require different amounts of fluids. The instructions are provided for an average user with an average body mass. If your body weight deviates by much, make sure to “adjust” instructions and do what’s right for you.

    How to pass