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  • May 24th, 2010

    Laboratories trying to get one step ahead

    Over the past few years laboratories and drug testing companies have been manufacturing new testing devices for prescription drugs. I am sure your wondering prescription drugs? Why in the world would labs be testing for prescription drugs? The answer lies below…….

    Employers or prospective employers to screen there employees or prospect employees for illegal non prescribed medications now due to the ease of obtaining them. Thus the reasoning why labs and drug test manufacturers are making newer single devices to test for theses medications.

    You will be asked what medications you are taking or have taken before you are given your test. Now remember Hair Follicle tests check back to 90 days of substance use. Saliva can test back for days at a time. Urine tests sometimes show up to 2 months back.

    If you are tested and are positive for drugs you have not listed not only will you be fired or denied employment you may be questioned by law enforcement officers. Some states have been opening investigations on there just by drug tests alone. It is always a good idea to use a detox products for a urine drug test, hair drug test, and saliva test.

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